In Hyde Park, even groceries aren’t neutral. The Capital Fax Blog reports that Fourth Ward Alderman Toni Preckwinkle has raked in $365,000 so far in her quest to unseat Cook County Board President Todd Stroger. Her biggest contributor? Treasure Island, the Co-op’s successor and Hyde Park’s only real grocery store, which chipped in nearly $15,000.Interestingly, Treasure Island’s community page says the following about donation requests:
Treasure Island Foods will consider donations and sponsorships for neighborhood events and neighborhood organizations if your organization’s primary focus is on the Arts, Education, Preventative Health and Wellness, Hunger Relief or Environmental Preservation. We are not able to consider individuals.
The conclusion seems to be that Preckwinkle is not considered an individual, which sort of makes sense – she represents so many people! so many dreams! hope! change! inter-county hospital cooperation! – and is sort of just odd.