UChicago Athletics
Chicago Maroon: When did you start playing basketball?
Claire Devaney: I started playing when I was really young. Probably in first or second grade.
CM: And when did you get serious about it?
CD: I started getting serious around middle school, so sixth and seventh grade. I started playing for a travel team.
CM: Did you always know you wanted to try to play in college?
CD: Yeah. Once I entered high school I knew that it was a goal I wanted to try to reach.
CM: What’s your favorite thing about being on the team—here, or in high school, or both?
CD: Probably my relationship with my teammates. Especially here, we’re just a really close-knit team and it’s fun to play with one another.
CM: Do you follow the WNBA or the NBA? Any professional basketball?
CD: I love watching college basketball. My older brother went to Wisconsin, so I follow them pretty closely. Just their men’s team, though. I should follow women’s. I also am a Washington Wizards fan because I’m from D.C. So I love John Wall.
CM: You’re still only a third-year at this point, but have you thought about whether you’ll keep playing basketball after college in some capacity?
CD: Yeah, I’m sure I will. I think I’ll miss it too much not to play in some capacity. I’ll probably try to find some league and some other players.
CM: Do you have any advice to people who like playing basketball but clearly aren’t varsity level?
CD: Just keep getting out there and playing. It’s a fun sport, a good way to get exercise.