Every year, The Maroon publishes an O-Issue filled with important information to help make the incoming student experience as seamless and fun as possible! While you’re quarantining, or whenever you’ve got some downtime, you can check out these articles taken from O-Issues past to learn more about making the most of your UChicago experience.
“Moments in University History” (9/15/2017)
Want to learn more about UChicago but don’t have time to read Dean John Boyer’s 704-page book? Take a look at this article, which succinctly summarizes almost 130 years of Maroon history.
“Who’s Who: University Administrators” (9/22/2019)
While Robert Zimmer may be retiring from his position as University president at the conclusion of this year, he and other administrators have a significant impact on students and on the campus as a whole. Learn about who’s running everything from the Title IX office to the admissions office, and be sure to say “hi” to Boyer (from six feet away) if you see him biking around campus!
“Student Government at UChicago: A Primer” (9/19/2019)
Due to a virtual spring quarter, all class years will be electing their class representatives fall quarter, meaning you can get involved. While student government at the high school level may not have a significant impact on student life, UChicago’s student government manages a budget of over $2 million to provide funding to Recognized Student Organizations and student initiatives on campus. If you’re involved with any organization on campus (besides The Maroon!), odds are student government has had some part in it.
“Campus Cafes” (9/15/2017)
In this O-Issue classic, The Maroon gave students the down-low on where to get the best coffee—and the best aesthetic—on campus. While many student-run coffee shops may be closed fall quarter, this article may give you something to look forward to.
“Dining Hall Hacks” (10/6/2014)
While we’re on the topic of food, the dining halls will get boring. Once you get tired of taking your daily trip to the Bartlett taco bar, or have eaten enough oily pizza to burst, head over to this article to find ways to spice up your dining hall meals—no culinary skills required.
“How to Save Money as a UChicago Student” (9/22/2019)
College is expensive. No matter whether you’re on full financial aid or are paying $80,000 a year, it’s always worth looking into ways to save a bit of money.
“Sororities and Fraternities at UChicago” (9/23/2019)
While in-person activities are not a safe option for students this fall quarter due to COVID-19, Greek life does play a part at UChicago. This article might give you something to look forward to once it’s safe and legal to gather in large groups again.
“This Is UChicago Hookup Culture” (9/21/2018)
We quantified love here at UChicago—what else did you expect from the school where fun goes to die? Find students’ answers to pressing questions such as “Would you date your hookup?” and “Are you in a relationship?” Warning: Results may vary.
These starter guides from throughout the years will help you explore Chicago’s diverse neighborhoods from afar, and may give you some ideas for trips later on in the year!
“Escaping the Campus Bubble (Or for Starters, the Reg)” (9/20/2018);
“Getting Around Hyde Park” (9/21/2018);
“Getting Around Chicago” (9/15/2017);
“Neighborhoods” (9/14/2017);
“Chicago To-Do List” (9/15/2017)
“The University and the Trump Administration” (9/22/2019)
Some students celebrated while others screamed. Paths around campus were covered in chalked messages from pro- and anti-Trump protestors. No matter your opinion on Donald Trump, his election has dramatically altered the UChicago campus. In light of the upcoming presidential elections, this now twice-renewed article might be worth a read.
“Tips from Fourth-Years” (9/15/2017)
Ever wish you had an older brother or sister to help you through your first days at UChicago? We gave you the next best thing—fourth-years to share wisdom from their years at UChicago.
“The Very Hungry Squirrels of UChicago” (10/22/2019)
UChicago students love their squirrels, and as everyone on campus knows, our squirrels are the best of any campus in the nation not only for their cuteness, but also for their size. In this article students can read about (and view!) some of the craziest things squirrels have eaten on campus.
“All Suffering Must Pass: 21 Tips for Dealing With Your Roommate” (10/6/2014)
Ever wonder what you’re missing out on living in a single this year? Live through the horrors of having a first-year roommate vicariously with this satirical roommate survival guide.
“Hustle the Maroon: How to Join UChicago’s Student Newspaper” (9/22/2019)
While you may be attending the traditional hustling session over Zoom instead of at our Ida Noyes office, we’re more excited than ever to have you join The Maroon! If you’re interested in writing for one of our editorial sections or joining a section such as production, web design, business, photo, video, or podcast, it’s worth attending our hustling info sessions.
If you’ve gotten through all of these articles, congrats! You’ll be ready for anything UChicago can throw at you. If you’re still interested in learning more about UChicago, you can read all old O-Issue articles from recent years by searching “O-Issue ____” on our website and filling in the blank with any year from 2011 to 2020. Happy reading! We can’t wait to see you all on campus.