University of Chicago
Ida Noyes Hall
The Maroon has compiled a list of some of the University’s Affinity Spaces and Cultural organizations. To find a full list of UChicago’s student organizations, click here.
African and Caribbean Student Association
The African and Caribbean Student Association (ACSA) seeks to foster a cultural community for African and Caribbean students on campus. ACSA spreads knowledge about historical and contemporary issues in the African diaspora through various programs like fundraisers, an Intercollegiate Black Cookout, and community service opportunities.
To get updates about ACSA, join their listhost at acsa@lists.uchicago.edu. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. ACSA can be found on Instagram at @acsa.uchicago.
Arab Student Association
The Arab Student Association (ASA) is dedicated to cultivating an active community for Arab students as well as students interested in learning more about Arab culture and heritage. ASA hosts regular group events, such as study breaks and trivia nights, aimed at exploring the diverse forms of Arab culture. ASA also aims to create a platform for networking opportunities in or related to the Middle East through career fairs and conferences.
To get updates about ASA, join their listhost at arabstudentassociation@lists.uchicago.edu. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. ASA can be found on Instagram at @arabatuchicago.
Buddhist Association
The Buddhist Association is an umbrella organization for all Buddhist and meditation groups on campus. They organize speakers, events, and weekend meditation retreats.
To get updates about the Buddhist Association, join their listhost at buddhist@lists.uchicago.edu. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links.
Chabad aims to create a welcoming environment for everyone on campus to celebrate Jewish festivities and expand their knowledge of Judaism. Chabad hosts a home-cooked Shabbat dinner nearly every Friday. Chabad has their own house on 5700 S Woodlawn Ave.
To get updates about Chabad, fill out their RSVP form. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. Chabad can be found on Instagram at @chabaduchicago.
Chinese Undergraduate Students Association
The Chinese Undergraduate Students Association (CUSA) is a cultural-interest community that spreads knowledge about Chinese culture through social events, shows, movie screenings, and food. Their membership includes both Chinese international and Chinese-American students, and they are open to anyone interested in learning more about Chinese culture.
To get updates about CUSA, join their listhost at cusa@lists.uchicago.edu. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links.
Christians on Campus
Christians on Campus is a Christian RSO composed of both undergraduate and graduate students. Christians on Campus hosts weekly Bible studies and Friday night community gatherings in the Hyde Park area. They partner with other clubs in Chicago and the larger Midwest area to host monthly, quarterly, and yearly events.
To get updates about Christians on Campus, join their listhost at christiansoncampus@lists.uchicago.edu. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. Christians on Campus can be found on Instagram at @uchicago.christians.
Hillel provides the opportunity for students and the larger UChicago community to participate in Jewish life and culture. Hillel seeks to build community through events such as study breaks, service opportunities, game nights, and literature reading circles. Hillel also provides a space for people to celebrate Shabbat, Passover, and more on campus.
To get updates about Hillel, visit their website. Hillel can be found on Instagram at @hillelatuchicago.
Hong Kong Students’ Association
The Hong Kong Students’ Association (HKSA) promotes Hong Kong and its culture to all students through cultural activities, such as trips to local stores and study breaks. HKSA also holds gatherings open to members and nonmembers for people to get together and share their experiences.
To get updates about the HKSA, join their listhost at hksa@lists.uchicago.edu. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. HKSA can be found on Instagram at @hksa.uchicago.
Japanese Student Association
The Japanese Student Association’s (JSA) mission is to create a community for students to discuss Japanese culture and current events. JSA holds cultural events, such as matsuri festivals, and trips to local Japanese establishments, such as grocery stores and restaurants. JSA also provides support for incoming Japanese undergraduate students and Japanese high-school students interested in studying in the United States.
To get updates about JSA, join their listhost at jsa@lists.uchicago.edu. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. JSA can be found on Instagram at @uchicago.jsa.
Kababayan is dedicated to creating a tight-knit community for Filipino, Filipino-American, and other students interested in learning more about the Philippines and its culture. Kababayan hosts events that showcase Filipino culture, such as study breaks, service projects, game nights, and roundtable discussions.
To get more updates about Kababayan, join their listhost at kababayan@lists.uchicago.edu. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. Kababayan can be found on Instagram at @kbbuchicago.
Korean Students Organization
The Korean Students Organization aims to represent the University’s Korean community and bring together students interested in Korean culture through social activities. KSO also fundraises for various charitable organizations like Korean American Women In Need (KANWIN) and Agglobe Services (North Korean food aid).
To get more updates about KSO, join their listhost at kso-temp-listhost@lists.uchicago.edu. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. KSO can be found on Instagram at @uchicagokso.
Muslim Students Association
The Muslim Students Association (MSA) aims to be the center of UChicago’s Muslim community and to facilitate spiritual growth and knowledge on campus. MSA offers five daily prayers in congregation at the Muslim community space at Hyde Park Union Church, which is a short walk from campus. They also offer two *Juma’a* prayers, both on campus. One is located at Bond Chapel, and the other is located at the University of Chicago Medicine. Everyone is welcome to attend either prayer.
To get more updates about MSA, join their listhost at msaforum@lists.uchicago.edu. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. MSA can be found on Instagram at @uchicagomsa.
Nigerian Students Association
The Nigerian Students Association (NSA) strives to create a community for both Nigerian students and students who are interested in learning more about Nigerian culture through discussions, fundraisers, study breaks, and an annual gala.
To get more updates about NSA, click here to join their listhost. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. NSA can be found on Instagram at @uchicagonsa.
Organization of Black Students
The Organization of Black Students (OBS) provides a forum to address issues of concern to the Black community and create a welcoming space dedicated to the continual growth of Black culture on campus and in the greater Chicago area. They host events such as an annual culture show, study breaks, movie screenings, and other activities for members to gather.
To get more updates about OBS, join their listhost at grapevine@lists.uchicago.edu. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. OBS can be found on Instagram at @obs_uchicago.
Organization of Latin American Students
The Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS) aims to promote cultural, political, and social awareness within and beyond the Latinx community. OLAS focuses on both the college community and the greater Chicago community. They host events such as an annual gala, picnics, game nights, and open mics.
To get more updates about OLAS, join their listhost at this link. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. OLAS can be found on Instagram at @olasuchicago.
Organization of LGBTQ+ Students
The Organization of LGBTQ+ Students (OLS) aims to create an accepting and inclusive environment for all LGBTQ+ identifying students both at the university and in the greater Chicago area. OLS hosts events such as study breaks, discussions, town halls, and an annual OLS Gayla.
To get more updates about OLS, click here to join their listhost. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. OLS can be found on Instagram at @uchicago_ols.
South Asian Students Association
The South Asian Students Association (SASA) is dedicated to educating students about South Asian culture, history, and current events. Throughout the year, SASA holds a Diwali puja and celebration in the fall, an annual culture show in the spring, and Holi celebrations. Their events are open to all members of the University community.
To get more updates about SASA, join their listhost at sasa@lists.uchicago.edu. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. SASA can be found on Instagram at @uchicagosasa.
Taiwanese American Student Association
The Taiwanese American Student Association (TASA) strives to spread awareness about Taiwanese culture throughout the greater University community. TASA also hosts events such as a spring formal, fundraisers, and Lunar New Year celebrations.
To get more updates about TASA, join their listhost at tasa@lists.uchicago.edu. Here is their RSO home page with more information and links. TASA can be found on Instagram at @uchicagotasa.
Editor’s note: The list of cultural organizations in this article was updated September 27, 2023.