This week, 30 Rock is actually an episode of Queen of Jordan, Angie’s new reality show. Now that Tracy is “in Africa” (read: hiding somewhere nowhere near Africa), Angie is taking some “me-time” (read: her-time) to hang out with her hairdresser, D’Fwan, and pursue her music career. This is great, because D’Fwan says things like “I’m not just a gay hairdresser—I’m also a homosexual party planner.” This, in turn, is great, because Angie is throwing a launch party for her single, “My Single Is Dropping,” and someone needs to plan it!
Jack assigned Liz to help Angie plan it, hoping Liz could convince Angie to convince Tracy to come back from Africa. Liz is a hopeless party planner, though—having never actually partied—and Angie doesn’t want Tracy to come back. He is very time-consuming, and often blows up his own boats. Liz is not good at persuading Angie otherwise; she just keeps doing impressions of Tracy saying, “Damn, woman, I want to make love to your neck!”
In other news: Frank was molested by his 8th grade teacher, and she just got out of jail! Theirs is a classic love story, really: boy meets girl, girl molests boy, girl goes to jail, girl gets out and goes to dinner with now-adult boy at a strip aerobics studio, girl realizes boy is a manchild, boy throws all his manchildy possessions in a deep fryer, girl is fired from her food service job due to boy’s romantic health-code violation. Oh, also: girl is Susan Sarandon. Raise your hand if you ever even dreamed Frank would land Susan Sarandon!
The episode closes with two revelations: Even though Jack seemed gay all episode, he is still straight! Also, Angie secretly wants Tracy to come home, but she can’t get him to. What are Liz and Angie going to do without Tracy? Also, what am I going to do without Tracy? I really like Tracy!