Welcome to the Maroon’s crossword page! Scroll down to see all of our most recent puzzles -- we publish a full-size puzzle in print and online every two weeks, as well as minis and midis online-only every week. If you want to contribute a puzzle to the Maroon, we’re happy to work with you regardless of your experience! Take a look at our guidelines here.
January 16, 2025
By Noah Sodickson
Hey all — another guest crossword! David Litman is a second-year in the College who has been published as a crossword constructor with the...
We've got a special treat for you today — our first guest crossword! Kent Smith is a Coordinator of Family Life Programs at the UChicago Lab...
Hope you had a good break! Here's Eli on this puzzle: This is the first crossword puzzle I have ever created and I had an absolute blast doing...
This is Michael's first published puzzle! Here's Michael: While I was looking for words to fill my original puzzle, I saw the word 4-Down...