The April 20 news article “CFD Swarms University Park Apartment Fire” incorrectly identified a fire at City Hall as having occurred last year. The fire occurred in 2003.
The April 20 news article “Hill Tapped as New VP of Research to Oversee Labs” failed to identify the University’s Vice President for Research and for National Laboratories, Donald Levy, by his complete name.
The April 20 news brief “Israeli Historian Sees Iran as a Dire Threat” incorrectly referred to the event as “Nuclear Iran: A Second Holocaust?”. The event was entitled “A Second Holocaust? The Implications of a Nuclear Iran.”
The April 20 STD listed Audley Reid as Sunday’s CheckerJAZZ performer at the Checkerboard Lounge. Reid will not perform there until April 29.
The April 17 sports article “Track Clears Final Hurdle; Next Stop Cleveland” contained an error in the headline. The team’s next event was in Atlanta.
The MAROON regrets and apologizes for these errors.