The three protesters who were arrested and charged during the January 27 protest at the Center for Care and Discovery have accepted revised versions of the plea bargains offered during the first day of the trial on Tuesday. The cases have been resolved.
The resisting arrest charge against graduate student Toussaint Losier has been dropped. Under the provisions of the new plea bargain, Losier is under supervision for one day. Supervision, which entails periodic check-ins with authorities while no charges remain on record, means almost nothing for Losier, according to Alex Goldenberg (A.B. ’06), because that one day is today.
Goldenberg and Jacob Klippenstein, neither of whom had made a decision about whether to accept or reject the initial plea bargain offered during the first trial on Tuesday, under which the two would have had the trespassing charges left on their records and would have been required to comply with a no-contact order with the UCMC for six months, have taken a new offer. Both will be under six months of supervision and a no-unlawful contact order with UCMC property. The charges will not remain on their records.