The Japanese Animation Society’s (UCJAS) annual anime convention, Uchi-Con, took place at Ida Noyes this past Saturday. The event featured a masquerade ball, a date auction, a film screening, karaoke, a kimono dressing booth, and various cosplays—a form of costume play performance art.
Clockwise from top left: Rebekah Perkins of Tinley Park High School cosplays as Puella Magi Madoka Magica’s Madoka; Henry Klimczak cosplays as Lord Zane from Radiata Stories; students Sam and Tina cosplay as The Disciple and Meulin Leijon from the webcomic Homestuck; Chicago-based cosplayer Kali Neko no Kage strikes a dramatic pose; Dani cosplays as Solas, an elven mage from the video game Dragon Age; artists sell prints, pixel art, and drawings in the Artist Alley.