1 – Harem Pants
Popularized by MC Hammer in his famous “Can’t Touch This” video, these pants made a not-so-triumphant return to the runway during this year’s winter and spring seasons. While one can appreciate its new take on the female silhouette, these particular slacks do not flatter even the best of bodies. The low crotch and wide middle area of the pants make most people that wear them a little disheveled and heavier than they actually are. For these pants, it may be best to take MC Hammer’s advice—you can’t and shouldn’t touch them.
2 – Pleather Leggings
A few years ago designers gave girls all over the world the gift of leggings and, since then, they have been stylishly incorporated into great outfits—that is, until pleather entered the equation. In 2009, girls began wearing leather, or in most cases faux leather, leggings with oversized T-shirts and dresses. While this look may have worked with the more common wool or cotton leggings, the pleather type looks slightly uncomfortable and a bit like bondage wear. Ladies, for 2010, leave the leather to biker chicks and dominatrixes and stick with what you know.
3 – Low V-Necks
Since American Apparel and Urban Outfitters introduced the super low V-neck to the general public, boys have taken up the opportunity to show that women are not the only ones that can show off their chests. Unfortunately, most men wearing these types of shirts are not hitting up the gym or shaving often enough. Without a smooth chest and pecs of steel, most men that take this plunge look like they have a national forest growing out of a slouchy T-shirt.
4 – Square, Thick-Rimmed Glasses
In 2008, the “nerd glasses” made a wonderful and innovative appearance into the fashion world. But in 2009 these specs became overdone when people all over the world starting wearing them, even if they didn’t need prescription glasses. Celebrities, reality stars, and everyday fashionistas began to embody their inner nerd. But instead of looking alternative, they looked contrived. If you don’t actually need glasses or can’t name the 50th decimal place of pi, it’s best to leave these glasses alone.
5 – Ed Hardy
In 2004, Christian Audigier developed a line of hats, T-shirts, and other clothing as a tribute to famed tattoo artist Ed Hardy. Five years later, the Ed Hardy line saw a huge increase in popularity due to celebrity interest. While Mr. Audigier’s gesture was very nice, the clothing that emerged is gaudy and an overall insult to Hardy’s work. Most of the shirt designs look like a tattoo someone decided to get while wandering Vegas in a drunken stupor rather than one of Hardy’s inventive vintage-inspired designs.