The University of Chicago’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1892

Chicago Maroon

The University of Chicago’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1892

Chicago Maroon

The University of Chicago’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1892

Chicago Maroon

Graduation Issue 2024

The Maroon honors and celebrates the Class of 2024.

Dear Class of 2024,

Your time in the College began like no other. Coming into a new environment during an unprecedented era defined by masks, social distancing, and virtual hangouts, you displayed not only creativity in the ways you learn, connect, and grow, but also resilience. Overcoming the challenges posed by COVID and the transition to a nine-week quarter alike, you can confidently characterize your time as an undergraduate at UChicago as one of a kind. 

The Class of 2024 is composed of some of the most talented people we’ve ever met. You’ve been our teaching assistants, RAs, and RSO leaders, but, above all, you’ve been our friends. Whether in the classroom or the house lounge, you’ve inspired us in too many ways to detail in one short letter, and we cannot imagine our UChicago experience without you. As you go on to whatever adventures await, know that we’ll be eagerly cheering you on. We’re confident that you’ll bring the same intelligence, humor, and grace to the rest of the world. 

To the graduating Maroon staff, your presence unequivocally brightened the office and Slack, and we are equal parts sad that you’re leaving us and proud of the legacy you have built within the paper and beyond. To our fearless predecessors—Nikhil, Solana, and Michael: we were incredibly lucky to have your leadership (or incredibly unlucky—you’ve left big shoes to fill). To the graduating members of our on-the-ground encampment reporting team: thank you for staying on for one last story. This class of Maroon staffers is immensely talented and has shaped the paper for years to come. Be sure to come back and tell us of your accomplishments.  

UChicago is a place defined by the people who come together for “the life of the mind.” Your presence here shaped this university, and we have no doubt your time here shaped you. As you step into the next chapters of your lives, we hope the pages written here will inspire you in the same ways that you continue to inspire us. 


Eva McCord and Kayla Rubenstein, Co-Editors-in-Chief

Anushree Vashist, Managing Editor

Zachary Leiter, Deputy Managing Editor 

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