Contributions and endorsements can make or break a candidate’s success in an election. Financial backing is critical in advertising and outreach efforts to grab more votes. At the same time, endorsements help voters align themselves with candidates based on key issues, giving them additional insight into which candidates best match their priorities.
The Maroon has compiled a look into the amount of money candidates at the state and federal level are raising, who the prominent donors are, and which organizations support which candidates. All financial contribution data cited comes from the Federal Election Committee filings and Illinois State Board of Elections records, reflecting funds raised from January 1, 2023 until October 16, 2024. This article only includes races in which candidates have raised significant amounts of money or more than one candidate is running.
Illinois Senate
Incumbent Democrat Robert Peters will be running uncontested for the Illinois Senate. Republican James Kirchner did not make the ballot after a change in Illinois policy on slating. Slating is the process through which candidates can join the ballot for the general election when not listed for the primaries, through collection of signatures. In May, the Illinois State Board of Elections temporarily blocked slating efforts in the General Assembly, meaning Kirchner could not make the ballot for the election. (Shortly after these changes to Illinois campaign law went into effect, an Illinois court found that this restriction on slating was unconstitutional, a decision later upheld by the Illinois Supreme Court. As a result, the slating process has been reinstated.) Peters has raised $271,134, with the majority coming from the Rebecca Janowitz Campaign. Janowitz is a candidate for the Chicago City Council in the 43rd Ward, which includes Lincoln Park. Peters has been endorsed by the Chicago Teachers Union, Local 1546 of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, Planned Parenthood, LiUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council, and several others.
Illinois House of Representatives
Battling it out for the Illinois House of Representatives are incumbent Democrat Kambium “Kam” Buckner and Republican Audrey Barrett. Buckner has raised $543,076 to date with 12.61 percent ($68,500) coming from the Carpentry Advancement PAC. Buckner has received endorsements from LiUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council; Chicago Teachers Union; Urban Environmentalists; American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME); American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations; and Planned Parenthood. There are no known financial contributions for candidate Audrey Barrett.
The race for Cook County Clerk is split three ways between Democrat Monica Gordon, Republican Michelle Pennington, and Libertarian Christopher Laurent. Gordon leads over Pennington in financial contributions with $526,632.50, compared to $10,717.26. There are no known financial contributions for Christopher Laurent.
Gordon has been endorsed by LiUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council, Democrats of Bloom Township, and the Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association.
Pennington has been endorsed by the Northfield Township Republican Organization, Assyrian GOP, Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr., 38th Ward Republican Committeeman Chuck Hernandez, candidate for State Representative Patricia Bonk, candidate for State Attorney Bob Fioretti, United Southland Republican Women-Chicago SW Suburbs, Cook County GOP, South Suburban Republicans, and the Chicago Republican Party.
Laurent has been endorsed by the Libertarian Party of Illinois.
Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court
The Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court Election has no incumbent party members, leading to a competitive Democratic primary that Democratic candidate Mariyana Spyropoulos eventually won. Spyropoulos now faces Republican Lupe Aguirre and Libertarian Michael Murphy in the general election. There are no known financial contributions for Aguirre or Murphy.
Spyropoulos has received $1,628,139.96 in donations and many endorsements, including but not limited to LiUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council, the Chicago Tribune, Equality Illinois, and the Cook County Democratic Party.
Aguirre is endorsed by the Chicago Republican Party and Murphy by the Libertarian Party of Chicago.
Cook County State’s Attorney
The Cook County State’s Attorney’s race will feature Democrat Eileen O’Neill Burke, Republican Robert “Bob” Fioretti, and Libertarian Charles Kopinski.
O’Neill Burke has raised $4,172,187.50 while receiving endorsements from LiUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council, the Chicago Tribune, AFSCME, Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza, the Cook County Democratic Party, County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, and the Chicago Teachers Union.
Fioretti raised $267,625.79 and was endorsed by Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr.—father of incumbent U.S. House of Representatives candidate Jonathan Jackson—and the Chicago Republican Party, among others.
Kopinski has no known financial contributions.
La Grange Highlands Sanitary District Trustee Board At-Large
For the role of a La Grange Highlands Sanitary District Trustee Board At-Large, non-partisan candidates Francis Jakubka and Philip Sirotzke are running against each other. No financial contributions or endorsements are known for either candidate.
Cook County Board of Review
In the race for the Cook County Board of Review, incumbent Democrat Larry Rogers Jr. is running against Libertarian Nico Tsatsoulis. While Tsatsoulis has no known financial contributions, Rogers has raised $1,443,536.18, with 58.88% coming from family and himself. Rogers has an endorsement by LiUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council.
Chicago Public Schools School Board
The Chicago Public School Board District 10 has five non-partisan candidates: Reverend Robert Jones has raised $288,856.15; Karin Norington-Reaves has raised $81,025.00; Adam Parrott-Sheffer has raised $69,513.36; Che “Rhymefest” Smith has raised $69,513.36; and write-in candidate Rosita Chatonda has no known financial contributions.
The Chicago Public School Board District Six has four non-partisan candidates: Anusha Thotakura, who has raised $330,342; Jessica Biggs, who has raised $42,632; Andre Smith, who has raised $39,766; and write-in candidate Danielle Wallace, who has no known financial contributions.
Democrat Pablo deCastro is running against Republican Tien Glaub for Cook County Circuit Court. deCastro has received financial contributions totaling $185,800.00 and an endorsement from LiUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council. Glaub received $3,235.80 in financial contributions.
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (three spots available)
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago’s race features seven candidates vying for three spots, including:
- Incumbent Democrat Marcelino Garcia, endorsed by LiUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council, the Chicago Tribune, and Equality Illinois. Garcia has raised $69,950.00.
- Democrat Kari Steele, endorsed by LiUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council, the Sierra Club, and the Chicago Tribune. Steele has raised $94,677.21.
- Democrat Sharon Walker, endorsed by LiUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council and the Chicago Tribune.
- Republican Claire Conelly, endorsed by the Chicago Republican Party.
- Republican Richard Dale, endorsed by the Chicago Republican Party.
- Republican Brendan Ehlers, endorsed by the Chicago Republican Party.
- Green Party Toneal Jackson, endorsed by the Green Party.
No financial contributions are known for Sharon Walker, Claire Conelly, Richard Dale, Brendan Ehlers, and Toneal Jackson.
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (Special Election)
The final contested election is a special election for a two-year term as Commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. Incumbent Democrat Precious Brady-Davis is running against Republican R. Cary Capparelli.
Brady-Davis has been endorsed by LiUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council, Equality Illinois, and the Sierra Club and has raised $110,280.00 in financial contributions.
Capparelli has been endorsed by the Chicago Republican Party. No financial contributions are known for Caparelli.