Campaigning on a platform of improved campus life and institutional openness, the A New Day slate hopes to address student concerns about transportation, the cost of dining, and the allocation of money.
With all slate members currently holding SG committee chairmanships, presidential candidate Ian Muhlhauser and vice presidential candidates Donny Copeland and David Courchaine said they plan to take advantage of their experience to improve student life, make students’ opinions count, and manage student money better.
“We want to get rid of the idea that SG is only so many people,” said Courchaine, a third-year in the College. “We depend on student input. There has been a sort of communication breakdown, and we really want to get as many people involved as possible.”
Much of the A New Day platform highlights successful initiatives the candidates implemented this year. For instance, after compiling a comprehensive bus schedule that will be distributed by Housing next year, Courchaine lobbied the administration to make the late-night bus schedules more convenient and to consult students about routes and times.
Similarly, the candidates want to replace the current events calendars with a single calendar accessible online, an idea that evolved out of work Copeland has been doing on the Campus Services Committee with Networking Services and Information Technologies.
The slate also plans to expand the website. In addition to increasing the site’s visibility and effectiveness, the slate hopes to launch a similar website for “Big Ideas” to improve student life.
“This is part of the way to bridge communication between students and Student Government,” said third-year Copeland.
The candidates have also campaigned for a “Big Speakers’ Fund” to bring famous guests to campus, as well as office hours that they would hold for RSO leaders in need of guidance when preparing budgets and better integration of graduate and minority student organizations into SG.
“I’m the first graduate student to ever run for SG President,” said Muhlhauser, a graduate student in the Divinity School. He added “that graduate students have resources undergraduates don’t always know about, and we can create a dialogue between them.”