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Chicago Maroon

The University of Chicago’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1892

Chicago Maroon

The University of Chicago’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1892

Chicago Maroon

All content by Wlad Sarmiento
Writer-director Rian Johnson and an all-star cast deliver one of the most entertaining movie-going experiences of the year

Rian Johnson Talks “Knives Out.”

By Wlad Sarmiento, Associate Arts Editor
December 2, 2019
Jack Dylan Grazer as Freddie and Zachary Levi as the adult Billy in "Shazam!"

The Wide-Eyed Wonder of “Shazam!”

By Wlad Sarmiento, Associate Arts Editor
April 4, 2019
Captain Marvel manages to live up to its overhyped billing, despite the exaggerated critiques in recent reviews.

The Standard Badass Superhero of Captain Marvel

By Wlad Sarmiento, Associate Arts Editor
March 21, 2019
Bruce Willis as David Dunn, James McAvoy as Kevin, and Samuel L. Jackson as Mr. Glass in "Glass"

“Glass” Shatters (Good) Expectations

By Wlad Sarmiento, Associate Arts Editor
January 31, 2019
Although the horror film dominated internet and meme culture, it proved generic and failed to excite or scare.

Bird Box Fails to Think Outside the Box

By Wlad Sarmiento, Associate Arts Editor
January 10, 2019
"Phantom Thread" stars Daniel Day-Lewis in what might be his final film role.

“Phantom Thread” Weaves Haunting Tapestry

By Wlad Sarmiento, Associate Arts Editor
February 15, 2018
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