Hyde Park Urbanist writes
“Appnovation Technologies listed the University of Chicago website as the best educational institution website and they make a good case: “The University of Chicago has a wonderful site that is full of life and diversity.” The revived Communications Department, headed by Vice President Julie Peterson, deserves credit, as does the Web Services department of NSIT.”
So that’s a funny story. The public parts of the U of C’s website are indeed nice to look at and easy to navigate and full of, uh, “life and diversity”, but most everything designed specifically for student use (e.g. cMore, course evaluations, time schedules, the pre-SG revolution apartments page) is stuck somewhere in 1998 with Craigslist. But it’s nice that last year’s redesign is getting props, even if those of us who aren’t applicants/alumni/researchers/donors are still in need.