SG election coverage
I would like to take the opportunity to address the concerns raised in the “SG Election Coverage” (5/22/05). Both Libby Pearson and Mike McCarney expressed disapproval that two members of Better Slate Than Never refused to be interviewed at the close of the elections. They painted a picture of a petty, irresponsible SG slate that seeks to foster bad relations with the Maroon. This could not be further from the truth.
It is true that Robert, Phil and I were disappointed that the Maroon chose to make a statement on us in “Better Slate Than Nothing” (4/22/05) without actually confronting us on any of our issues. We found it hurtful that the authors of the article claimed to be “alarmed by the weaknesses of Better Slate Than Never,” and refers to us as a “disappointing choice,” yet had little evidence on which to base these allegations.
Furthermore, we were misrepresented in both “SG Slates Vie for Voters in Annual SG Debates” (4/22/05) and in “SG Preview: Better Slate Than Never” (4/19/05), the only two election coverage articles. In the debates article, our idea to extend the 173 bus route was attributed to Doomsday Party member Matt Fink, and in the preview article, two of our major platform ideas were misrepresented in a manner that would render them unfeasible at this University. The most glaring error in the preview article, however, was that all of the quotes in it came from Phil Caruso (not Robert Hubbard, as stated).
Because of these oversights on the part of the Maroon, Better Slate Than Never did not feel confident that an interview at the SG election press conference would accurately represent our opinions. It was only after Joel Lanceta approached me individually at a later date that I felt it reasonable to honor this request (“Incumbent Wins Close SG Election”, 4/29).
Better Slate Than Never does not plan to “give the Maroon the silent treatment throughout the entire year.” We have shared our concerns with the Maroon staff and are striving to create an ongoing dialogue that will lead to more complete and more accurate Maroon coverage, which will in turn keep University of Chicago students better informed about “what it is that SG does.”
Lola Thompson
Vice-President of Student Affairs
Third-year in the College
Defacing CFI posters
The recent anti-Zionist activities on campus have been totally hypocritical and offensive. Most anti-Zionists view Zionism as racist, anti-democratic, and inimical to the concept of liberty. Thus, if you force a muzzle on the Zionists, you are guilty of attacking the very freedoms you are trying to protect. Instead of ripping down someone else’s flyer, perhaps you should put up a flyer of your own presenting your viewpoints. Why not open the public up to all sides of an issue and let them decide for themselves?
Rich Page
Masters candidate in Public Policy
The Harris School