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The University of Chicago’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1892

Chicago Maroon

The University of Chicago’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1892

Chicago Maroon

The University of Chicago’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1892

Chicago Maroon

The Keller Center, which houses the Harris School of Public Policy.

“Fixing the Broken”

As the 2023–24 Harris Student Government (HSG) Board, we wish to address the op-ed written by Aïcha Camara, published in the Maroon on March 30, 2024. Our response is guided by a commitment to transparency...

Elijah with his back to us (left) and Naji al-Ali's depiction of a young Palestinian refugee, who refuses to grow up until he can return to his homeland (right)

We’re Turning Our Backs to You!

By Hassan Doostdar / October 27, 2024

Because I refused to cooperate with UChicago’s disciplinary hearings against me in relation to the Popular University for Gaza encampment last May, I have been suspended for the autumn quarter. Or, as...

The Chicago Maroon Must End the Tyranny of its DEI Board

The Chicago Maroon Must End the Tyranny of its DEI Board

By Anonymous / July 16, 2024

Dear Editors-in-Chief, 110 days. That was how long it took my writing to be mutilated and published in the Maroon. As a long-time editor for our paper, I thought I was well-acquainted with the Maroon’s...

Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.

A Message to the Protesters From Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.

By Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. / May 3, 2024

To the shock of many, demonstrations against the horror in Gaza are spreading across the country, and the young leaders of this movement are found on college campuses across this nation. At a time when...

A Statement from a Group of Concerned Jewish and Israeli Students and Faculty

A Statement from a Group of Concerned Jewish and Israeli Students and Faculty

May 3, 2024

We are a group of Jewish and Israeli students and faculty at the University of Chicago. We are watching with apprehension as our campus is transformed into another encampment, and we write to express our...

Resetting the Record

Resetting the Record

By Nora Holmes / March 24, 2024

Editor's Note: This article is a formal response to The Maroon's 2/15/24 article on DEI within UChicago XC. In January of 2024, a team member directed a Maroon reporter to me to interview me for an...

Inside Rosenwald Hall during a sit-in conducted by UCUP in 2023.

Admin Is Trying to Silence Us for Speaking Up About Palestine. We Won’t Let That Happen.

By UChicago United for Palestine / February 9, 2024
After arresting 26 student protestors last quarter, the University required them to write disciplinary statements about their actions. Read excerpts from those statements here.

All Amazing, All Unequal

By Clifford Ando / December 21, 2023

Dear Maroon, I write in reply to Senior Advisor to the President John Boyer’s recent essay for The Maroon on the University of Chicago’s academic and financial health. I have the highest esteem...

John W. Boyer on the State of the University's Finances

John W. Boyer on the State of the University’s Finances

By John W. Boyer / December 6, 2023
We must recognize the fact that among the very top private universities in the United States, UChicago remains the most undercapitalized, owing in large part to the fateful collapse of its undergraduate enrollments in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s.
Students created an art installation on the quad to memorialize Palestinians killed since October 7.

SJP UChicago Statement on Recent Events in Palestine

SJP UChicago Statement on Recent Events in Palestine

A Pedestrian-Friendly Campus Demands Solutions to Mobility Inequity

By Luke Joyner / June 16, 2023
Building on recent LTEs on traffic safety, UChicago must go beyond “Pedestrian Safety Week” and actively address equity issues of mobility through greater investment in access to public transit.

The University Needs Inclusive and Transparent Pedestrian Safety Initiatives

By Emily Talen / June 15, 2023
In matters of pedestrian safety, the University should incorporate the needs and voices of the very people it aims to protect.
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