Twenty first-years are running in next week’s College Council (CC) elections, according to SG Vice President for Administration Forrest Scofield, the same number that ran in last year’s freshman polls. Given the large number of candidates, it looks like SG’s full force outreach effort during O-Week paid off.
The candidates are vying for four open seats on the council. The elections run October 11th at 9am through October 13th at 5pm on All first-years can vote for up to four candidates.
If this year’s first-year elections are anything like the last two years’, not all candidates will campaign. Some will be discouraged by the large field, and some will get involved with an RSO (or five) and forget they’re even on the ballot. So the contest is likely to be between ten and fifteen serious contenders.
Are you a first-year candidate? If so, paste your platform in the comment section below.