At 6:15 p.m. University of Chicago Police Department (UCPD) officers began to arrest demonstrators engaged in a sit-in inside Rosenwald Hall. In addition to student demonstrators, two faculty members were also arrested. The arrested individuals were processed inside adjacent Walker Museum as protesters surrounded all exits. They were charged with “criminal trespass to real property,” a Class B misdemeanor under Illinois state law.
Protesters from UChicago United for Palestine (UCUP) have been engaged in a sit-in in the building since 11:30 a.m.. Protesters outside, who had been present on the quad since an 11 a.m. protest at Levi Hall, began to gather and chant around the entrance of Rosenwald at 5:10 p.m. About 250 were on hand to protest and to witness the eventual removal.
During the protest, UCUP asked for a legal observer to be present if allowed into Rosenwald—a request that the UChicago dean-on-call denied.
“Let them stay!” protesters chanted with increasing intensity as police milled around the front entrance to the building. They also chanted “Shame on you!” at police and University officials alike.
“Deans-on-call are cops too!” they yelled. “Fuck UCPD! Fuck UChicago!”
Police shuffled around the front entrance, looking out at the protesters. Every so often, one emerged from inside the building and joined the group standing outside.
“Take out your phones and record everything,” an organizer shouted into a megaphone. “If they stop free speech, we’ve got to let them know. Because what are they doing?” “Sitting!” the audience replied.
At 5:59 p.m., a man was let into the Rosenwald front entrance, followed by three University security guards. Soon after, the UCUP protesters outside split up to cover each exit where sit-in participants might be led out. One group moved to the south exits of Rosenwald near Harper Library, one group went to the Walker Library entrance to the east, and one remained by the front entrance.

At 6:05 p.m., a protester warned that those inside Rosenwald were given five minutes to leave the building before they would be issued a citation.
At 6:15 p.m. at the south entrance, a protester announced that arrests were being made. “This is fucking atrocious,” an organizer shouted. Soon, it became known that arrested students were being processed inside Walker Library.
Around 6:40 p.m., a Palestinian student who had been arrested and handcuffed by UCPD was released. He was given a citation for trespassing.
By 7:58 p.m., 13 demonstrators had been arrested, processed and released. Those remaining inside were still engaged in the sit-in inside the admissions office.
UCPD officers took protestors from the admissions office to the financial aid office inside Walker Museum, which is connected to Rosenwald Hall. There, they were ticketed and given a court date, then handcuffed, escorted to the exit of Walker, and released.
According to a member of UCUP inside Rosenwald, by 8:00 p.m., only eight protestors, all women, remained inside the admissions office along with two faculty members.
By 8:50 p.m., all of the protestors who engaged in the sit-in and both faculty members were processed and released. Nearly 100 protestors continued rallying outside Walker Museum.
In total, 28 people were arrested: 18 undergraduates, eight graduate students, and two professors.
This article will continue to be updated with more information as it arises.
Ed Vidal, BA’78, JD’81 / Dec 25, 2023 at 5:09 pm
Free Palestine indeed, from Muslim imperialism, tyranny and barbarity.
Tom / Nov 29, 2023 at 11:36 am
Does anyone know if conviction of a class B misdemeanor disqualifies a student from financial aid from UChicago? I don’t think it impacts federal programs.
Jacob / Nov 12, 2023 at 2:09 pm
It’s pretty funny to hear these activist think that this is protected free speech. A sit in is not and the university was patient. It’s a private university with a culture of debate.
Jacob Myrene / Nov 9, 2023 at 6:58 pm
“Fudged” around and found out. (I don’t know if The Maroon allows cussing in its comment section.) Now arrest the others. [Insert Kylo Ren MORE GIF here.]