Tips and hints from your fellow students. Use the comments form below to submit your own. Submissions will be published in next Tuesday's Maroon.
Dear midterms week: You don't have to do this. It doesn't have to be this way.
Dear conscience: I know I should be supporting local businesses, but I can't help it. Chipotle is better than Maravillas.
To the beagle I keep seeing on 53rd: Thou art majestic. I respect you.
To Martha Nussbaum: You are the Anna Wintour of philosophy.
Dear Ted O'Neill's hair: Seriously. How do you do it?
To T-Lex: You are a destroyer of worlds.
Dear Bert: You are my favorite drunk. Keep truckin'.
To the girl who wore red rights two days in a row: I noticed. Everyone noticed.
To my dad: No, there is nowhere I want to eat on 53rd Street.
To Majorette Tom: I know I seemed like a bad conversationalist but you should've heard the witty repartee I thought up shortly after you walked away.
Dear Saffron: Your butter chicken has gotten far too red.