Tips and hints from your fellow students. Use the comments form below to submit your own. Submissions will be published in next Tuesday's Maroon.
To André 3000: Meet me in Mandel Hall November 13. Your friend, Big Boi.
Dear Stevanovich Center for Financial Mathematics: Karma'll burn you sometimes.
Dear Dems: Sky-high unemployment, two wars, no progress on climate change, and watered-down health care. Did you have to give us Dot Dot Dot, too?
To alarmist media: Thank you for introducing me to the miracle that is Four Loko.
To EmiLemur: Keep hanging in there!
To That Guy On A Razor Scooter: Your sweet ride takes me back to my childhood. Take me back to your place?
Dear Dan, who has probably moved out of my apartment building already: Please pick up your package from the Vitamin Store. It's been sitting in the foyer four full days now.
To D Briz: The Case secondary called, they'd like their dignity back.
Dear UCPD: Sorry, we thought those were really authentic-looking costumes. Otherwise we would never have chanted "keg stand" at you.