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The University of Chicago’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1892

Chicago Maroon

The University of Chicago’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1892

Chicago Maroon

The University of Chicago’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1892

Chicago Maroon

Maroon Day

Celebrate the history of The Maroon and secure its future by participating in Maroon Day, a new fundraising initiative culminating in a donations drive on October 17! Maroon Day commemorates the publication of The Maroon‘s first-ever print issue on October 17, 1892, in the form of a precursor publication.

To donate, click the link here or embedded in the image below. Under “Area of Support,” select “Other University Divisions” from the “School or Division” category, then click “Chicago Maroon” from the “Specific Fund” drop-down menu. You then enter the amount you’d like to donate, your contact information, your billing information if different from your contact information, and your payment information.


This year, among other initiatives. The Maroon is looking to expand its campus and community group coverage with themed and special issues, such as the recently launched annual Black History Month Issue, which is focused on the groups that make up UChicago and Hyde Park. From reporting on the impacts of large institutions on marginalized communities to writing about how people celebrate and spark joy, The Maroon‘s staff look forward to upholding the newspaper’s historic role as UChicago and Hyde Park’s paper of record. Your support will enable us to continue keeping these communities informed while also building The Maroon‘s own community through reporting grants, fellowships, and staff events.

Watch the videos below for testimonials from our staff about how The Maroon has shaped their University of Chicago experiences and their professional aspirations.

Michael McClure, Managing Editor

Rachel Wan, News Editor

Finn Hartnett, Sports Editor

Kayla Rubenstein, News Editor, Sports Editor, Copy Chief

Solana Adedokun, Co-Editor-in-Chief

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