I want to thank The Maroon and especially journalist Maggie Loughran for the outstanding recent article on the plight of the Edward Sperry stained glass that once adorned Bartlett Commons (“Bartlett Stained Glass Still in Storage After 15 Years,” 5/15/15). It is my hope that the article, together with a major effort by alumni, current students, and others, will spur the University administration to finally take the glass out of storage, where it has been sitting since 2001, and re-install it in its rightful place. To this end, I have created a closed Facebook group called “Friends of Edward Sperry” which will serve as a resource for discussion and planning a strategy.
Ideally, we can meet periodically in the coming months in order to build dialogue with the University regarding this neglected architectural treasure.
—Karl Rahder A.M. ’89