On Tuesday at 8:55 p.m., a woman was robbed at the Amoco gas station on the 5000 block of Cornell as she attempted to fuel her car. While she was inside paying the attendant, she noticed a man rooting around in the front seat of her vehicle. She ran outside and confronted the offender, who was attempting to steal her purse. She attempted to wrest her possessions from the offender but was overpowered. The offender, described as a black male wearing dark clothing, then fled, got into a waiting red-colored SUV, and drove away. Similar crimes, perhaps related, have occurred recently at other area gas stations.
Teens arrested after attempting to steal bike at Pierce
Two teenagers were arrested at the Pierce dormitory on Wednesday at 12:07 p.m. University police officers noted young men behaving in a suspicious manner in the vicinity of the bicycle rack. When the individuals cut a bike lock with a bolt cutter, and one began riding away, the officers moved in and made two arrests. Both offenders, one aged 16 and the other 17, have been charged with theft.